Jun 15, 2008

Introducing 3 New Post Series

After reassuring you that Dotsisx ain't dead, I want to introduce to you 3 new series that you will often see here on Dotsisx.

First one is "Lebanon through the eyes of an Nseries" or shortly LTEN. It will be a rather daily image upload via ShoZu with a maximum of one line of comment. It's part due to the fact that I won the N82, and part due to the truth that I will be leaving this awesome country in a couple of months, and I want to keep a memory of every day I spend here from now on, and also part due to the fact that very little is known about my country. The picture may be about people, landscapes, food, habits, places... I will just take it one day at a time, and knock myself out.

Second series is no less interesting and is called "Nseries, the x in your pocket", where x represents all the gadgets that an S60-based Nseries can or has replaced (check my post about the N95 8gb for a little idea of what gadgets it can replace). Basically I will cover the hows and whats of every usage, concentrating on how to enhance it and make the most of it.

Third, I decided to have each week two posts entitled "This Week's Recaps", one of them regarding the most interesting news Symbian-wise, and the other tech-wise.

All of these are part of bringing Dotsisx back to life and to the front. I know I don't have a huge readership here, but you have been loyal for an incredibly long time and I thank you for that.

1 comment:

  1. Will your photo stream have a feed? Will it be possible to highlight it on our site if it made sense?


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